Precision Infrastructure, LLC
Steward: Alan Odom | Cell: 318-306-4401
Job Location: Dawson, Hall, Lumpkin, and Forsyth Counties in GA
Warehouse: 2081 Red Oak Flats Rd Dahlonega, GA
Job Description: 17.2 Miles of 16” Pipe
Number of Laborers: 35
10: Hours a day | 6: Days per week
Total Pkg : $34.43 On Check $21.68 Per Diem Per Day $45.00
Start Date: 08/07/2024 Approximately Finish: 01/30/2025
**Note: 2 Forms of ID & Social Security Card & Cancelled Check**
Dykon Blasting
Steward: Alan Odom | Cell: 318-306-4401
Job Location: Forsyth & Hall Counties in GA
Warehouse: 2081 Red Oak Flats Rd Dahlonega, GA
Job Description: 17.1 Miles of 16” Pipe Drilling & Blasting where needed
Number of Laborers: 2
10: Hours a day | 6: Days per week
Total Pkg : $34.43 On Check $21.68 Per Diem Per Day $45.00
Start Date: 08/15/2024 Approximately Finish: 10/15/2024
**Note: 2 Forms of ID & Social Security Card & Cancelled Check**
Rowcon, LLC
Steward: Alan Odom | Cell: 318-306-4401
Job Location: Dawson, Hall, Lumpkin, and Forsyth Counties in GA
Warehouse: Holiday Inn Bethel Dr. Dawsonville, GA
Job Description: Clearing Row & Installing Mats & Fences 17 miles
Number of Laborers: 9
10: Hours a day | 6: Days per week
Total Pkg : $34.43 On Check $21.68 Per Diem Per Day $45.00
Start Date: 08/14/2024 Approximately Finish: 10/14/2024
**Note: 2 Forms of ID & Social Security Card & Cancelled Check**
Price Gregory International, Inc
Steward: Byron Lewis | Cell: 870-510-0461
Job Location: Desoto, Sabine, Beauregard, and Vernon Parishes, LA
Warehouse: 6575 LA Hwy 392 Anacoco, LA 71403
Job Description: 126 Miles of 42” NGPL
Number of Laborers: 130
10: Hours a day | 6: Days per week
Total Pkg : $37.36 On Check $23.65 Per Diem Per Day $50.00
Start Date: 08/26/2024 Approximately Finish: 05/01/2025
**Note: 2 Forms of ID & Social Security Card & Cancelled Check**